extranjero ([info]extranjero) rakstīja,
@ 2022-07-10 23:07:00

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Par meritokrātiju runājot, lūk, šis cilvēks ir izglābis (jeb precīzāk, pabarojis) tuvu pie miljarda cilvēku: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Borlaug

Savukārt zaļie viņu aktīvi kritizēja. Vienu brīdi viņi pat panāca, ka rietumu valstis aptur minerālmēslu tirdzniecību Āfrikai:

In the early 1980s, environmental groups that were opposed to Borlaug's methods campaigned against his planned expansion of efforts into Africa. They prompted the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations and the World Bank to stop funding most of his African agriculture projects. Western European governments were persuaded to stop supplying fertilizer to Africa. According to David Seckler, former Director General of the International Water Management Institute, "the environmental community in the 1980s went crazy pressuring the donor countries and the big foundations not to support ideas like inorganic fertilizers for Africa."[36]

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