Sodi par lokdaunu pārkāpumiem UK tiek plaši atzīti par nepamatotiem un tiek atcelti:Šobrīd sabiedrība pamazām atgūstas no nepamatotās panikas, bet skaidrību par to, ka viss šis lielā mērā bija nevajadzīgi pārspīlēts, mēs iegūsim vēl tikai daudzu gadu desmitu laikā.
Interesanti, ka pat par tādu acīmredzami ļaunu lietu kā nacisms vāciešiem domas mainījās ļoti lēnām:
Opinion poll data from the immediate post-war years confirm the limited impact of Allied efforts. In October 1946, when the Nuremberg Trial ended, only 6 per cent of Germans were willing to admit that they thought it had been 'unfair', but four years later one in three took this view. That they felt this way should come as no surprise, since throughout the years 1945-49 a consistent majority of Germans believed that 'Nazism was a good idea, badly applied'. In November 1946, 37 per cent of Germans questioned in a survey of the American zone took the view that 'the extermination of the Jews and Poles and other non-Aryans was necessary for the security of Germans'.Avots: Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 Di Tony Judt
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