No pēdējās Bila
intervijas tika pieminēts interesants moments par testēšanu. Nav vajadzīgs īpaši dziļi rakāties degunā līdz smadzenēm, ja tos pašus rezultātus var gūt ar parasto vates kociņu paurbinot degunu.
There’s this thing where the health worker jams the deep turbinate, in the back of your nose, which actually hurts and makes you sneeze on the healthy worker. We showed that the quality of the results can be equivalent if you just put a self-test in the tip of your nose with a cotton swab. The FDA made us jump through some hoops to prove that you didn’t need to refrigerate the result, that it could go back in a dry plastic bag, and so on. So the delay there was just normal double checking, maybe overly careful but not based on some political angle. Because of what we have done at FDA, you can buy these cheaper swabs that are available by the billions. So anybody who’s using the deep turbinate now is just out of date. It’s a mistake, because it slows things down.Nav jau tā, ka tas būtu ļoti svarīgi, bet labi ilustrē, cik neefektīva un lēna ir regulatīvā sistēma.
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