wild thing ([info]evy) rakstīja,
@ 2003-05-08 12:52:00

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Mūzika:Linkin Park - Nobody's Listening

"There are just too many times that people have tried to look inside of me
Wondering what I think of you and I protect you out of courtesy
Too many times that I’ve held on what I needed to push away
Afraid to say what was on my mind afraid to say what I need to say
Too many things that you said about me when I’m not around..."

"So many people like me put so much trust in all your lies
So concerned with what you think to just say what we feel inside
So many people like me walk on eggshells all day long
All I know is that all I want is to feel like I’m not stepped on
There are so many things you say that make me feel you crossed the line
What goes up will surely fall and I’m counting down the time
Cause I’ve had so many standoffs with you it’s about as much as I can stand
So I’m waiting until the upper hand is mine..."

/Linkin Park - Hit The Floor/

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! besis konkreetais!!! negribu nevienu un neko!!!negribu negribu negribu!!! gribu viena pati pabuut kaadu laiku....vienu cilveeku es tikai shaadaa situaacijaa pielaistu seu klaat...tikai vienu...

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2003-05-08 17:04 (saite)
Daywalker say's

Tam nu gan pilniigi noteikti var liidzeet!!!!


trust mee!

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