Dec. 21st, 2024 | 10:12 am
posted by: black_robin
Man bija padomā viens nejauks ieraksts, bet tad nolēmu līdz svētkiem neko nejauku nerakstīt..un nekādu politiku. Lai gaiši.
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Dec. 20th, 2024 | 11:56 pm
posted by: prtg
De Slag om de Schelde (2020)
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owl and goat
Dec. 20th, 2024 | 05:50 pm
posted by: black_robin
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par to, kas tiešām paliek pāri
Dec. 20th, 2024 | 11:26 am
posted by: barbala
Tiešām un ļoti- Andras N. dienasgrāmatu grāmata ir viens no labākajiem notikumiem oriģinālliteratūrā (?) sen pa ļoti ilgiem laikiem.
Ja varētu, es šobrīd neko citu nedarītu, saritinātos un lasītu kā šī mazā un mūžam tehniski vecā ciba,
cilvēki un laiks tajā kļūst pat literatūras, nē, dzīvošanas pieminekli vai atskaites vietu. Tas vis nav nekāds augšālejā kripto. Tīrs, stabils zelts, virs laika.
Ja varētu, es šobrīd neko citu nedarītu, saritinātos un lasītu kā šī mazā un mūžam tehniski vecā ciba,
cilvēki un laiks tajā kļūst pat literatūras, nē, dzīvošanas pieminekli vai atskaites vietu. Tas vis nav nekāds augšālejā kripto. Tīrs, stabils zelts, virs laika.
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Dec. 19th, 2024 | 10:32 pm
posted by: black_robin
Pieejot pie virtuves loga šobrīd var redzēt Marsu ar neapbruņotu aci. Tas oranži mirgo pa labi virs Mēness.
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Dec. 19th, 2024 | 10:45 pm
posted by: prtg
The Platform (2019)
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Dec. 19th, 2024 | 09:33 pm
posted by: prtg
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
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Dec. 19th, 2024 | 04:22 pm
posted by: methodrone
Ik pa laikam arvien gribas kaut ko ierakstiit, not to feel lonely in my thoughts. Bet tad uzreiz praats burkshkj "Nav ko shitaadas voblas gvelzt!"
Taa it kaa visi teikumi buutu kjeceriibas un maanjticiigi apdraudeejumi. Tas it kaa Visums uzreiz atbildeetu "Taa ja? Tu tam tiesham tici? Ok tad es tev paraadiishu siikaa lose."
I'm just really scared of God all the time, or rather that force prompts one to transcend lies.
Taa it kaa visi teikumi buutu kjeceriibas un maanjticiigi apdraudeejumi. Tas it kaa Visums uzreiz atbildeetu "Taa ja? Tu tam tiesham tici? Ok tad es tev paraadiishu siikaa lose."
I'm just really scared of God all the time, or rather that force prompts one to transcend lies.
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Dec. 19th, 2024 | 12:23 pm
posted by: rkktzd
man liekas, to kā mums ir ar Inesi nav iespējams saprotami paskaidrot nevienam, kurš nav tādā pašā mindsetā un situācijā - t.i. nevienam. no līdzcilvēkiem joprojām fokuss ir uz šķiršanos lai gan patiesībā mērķis ir saglabāt un nesapist to, ka esam satikušies, tātad, par satikšanos. vienam ar otru un beidzot arī pašiem ar sevi.
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Dec. 18th, 2024 | 09:21 pm
posted by: prtg
Are you beans, tofu or nuts?
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Dec. 18th, 2024 | 01:02 pm
music: Orbital - Bath Time
posted by: black_robin
( 3 lols )
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Dec. 18th, 2024 | 10:01 am
posted by: black_robin
Interesanta eseja par hibernāciju. ned-to-hibernate-and-why-we-cant-do-it-y et
Did our ancestors use hibernation to survive through the winter when it was cold outside or food supplies dwindled? Or is the entire notion of hibernation related to winter misconstrued, and we need a new and fresh perspective? As we know, there are tropical lemurs that can hibernate at high body temperatures, which suggests that being related to winter is a contingent and unimportant feature of a much broader phenomenon than the name suggests. Scientists now agree that animals hibernate not only to save energy or overwinter cold seasons, but as a way to deal with other environmental calamities. This may include wildfires, heatwaves, storms and perhaps even natural disasters on a cosmic scale, such as the meteorite collisions with Earth that wiped out the dinosaurs but spared small primitive mammals that could well have survived thanks to their gift of hibernating.
For example – what is the relationship between hibernation and sleep? Recent research in several hibernating species reveals that animals often enter the state of hibernation via sleep, as if sleep were the gateway to the state of hibernation, being the first step towards hypometabolism. Where does sleep end and hibernation begin? That’s not an easy question to answer definitively. The relationship between torpor and sleep remains poorly understood and at best confusing, not least because of a lack of clearly defined concepts in this area.
Hibernating animals appear to be sleeping, yet we define sleep using explicitly brain- and behaviour-centric criteria, such as immobility, an elevated arousal threshold and characteristic brainwaves, while hibernation and torpor are defined based on metabolic criteria. Perhaps sleep has evolved from more ‘primitive’ hypometabolic states, and the animal that goes from sleep to hibernation recapitulates that evolution in reverse? Can we perhaps even view sleep as an aborted form of hibernation, emerging when our ancestors learned to apply the break at the right moment, to remain in control of the bodily state rather than plunging into torpidity?
Beigās ir izteikts minējums, ka varbūt cilvēku suga vienmēr ir zinājusi kā hibernēties un tas tiks darīts mirklī, kad citas izejas vairs nebūs.
Did our ancestors use hibernation to survive through the winter when it was cold outside or food supplies dwindled? Or is the entire notion of hibernation related to winter misconstrued, and we need a new and fresh perspective? As we know, there are tropical lemurs that can hibernate at high body temperatures, which suggests that being related to winter is a contingent and unimportant feature of a much broader phenomenon than the name suggests. Scientists now agree that animals hibernate not only to save energy or overwinter cold seasons, but as a way to deal with other environmental calamities. This may include wildfires, heatwaves, storms and perhaps even natural disasters on a cosmic scale, such as the meteorite collisions with Earth that wiped out the dinosaurs but spared small primitive mammals that could well have survived thanks to their gift of hibernating.
For example – what is the relationship between hibernation and sleep? Recent research in several hibernating species reveals that animals often enter the state of hibernation via sleep, as if sleep were the gateway to the state of hibernation, being the first step towards hypometabolism. Where does sleep end and hibernation begin? That’s not an easy question to answer definitively. The relationship between torpor and sleep remains poorly understood and at best confusing, not least because of a lack of clearly defined concepts in this area.
Hibernating animals appear to be sleeping, yet we define sleep using explicitly brain- and behaviour-centric criteria, such as immobility, an elevated arousal threshold and characteristic brainwaves, while hibernation and torpor are defined based on metabolic criteria. Perhaps sleep has evolved from more ‘primitive’ hypometabolic states, and the animal that goes from sleep to hibernation recapitulates that evolution in reverse? Can we perhaps even view sleep as an aborted form of hibernation, emerging when our ancestors learned to apply the break at the right moment, to remain in control of the bodily state rather than plunging into torpidity?
Beigās ir izteikts minējums, ka varbūt cilvēku suga vienmēr ir zinājusi kā hibernēties un tas tiks darīts mirklī, kad citas izejas vairs nebūs.
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Vakar uzzināju.
Dec. 18th, 2024 | 10:22 am
posted by: zazis
Lai pieņemtos svarā no plikiem kartupeļiem, cilvēkam ar sēdošu dzīves veidu ir jānotiesā aptuveni 3kg kartupeļu dienā.
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Dec. 17th, 2024 | 09:32 pm
posted by: prtg
Mūsdienās rakstot, ir tik grūti pārraidīt labvēlīgu attieksmi. "Fui, cheesy." "Laikam pielien." "Šim / šai kaut kas ir aiz ādas", pie katra laipna teikuma galvas vidusdaļā noraustās reptiļveidīgo mantojums, jo nodevēji taču, šķiet, ir ik uz soļa, un trigerējas līdzšinējās traumas un vilšanās. Kuru sakrājies ne mazums, pat ja tās, kā izrādās, ir bijušas pārpratumu, intrigu vai apzinātu apmelojumu sekas. Lol.
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Dec. 17th, 2024 | 03:49 pm
posted by: prtg
Uzskats, ka vari atšķirt viltotu pazemību no patiesas, norāda uz tādas trūkumu pašā. Un, ja tā, tad spriest par tās patiesumu citos ir tukša skaņa.
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Dec. 17th, 2024 | 02:10 pm
posted by: lilja_brik
noskatījos divas sieviešu veidotas filmas "This Closeness" by Kit Zahar un "Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry" by Elene Naveriani, viena ir Gen Z un otra ir millenial, apraudājos par to, cik "female gaze" joprojām ir nereprezentēts, ja šīs filmas šķiet "neparastas", jo kaut kādā ziņā tās ir tik normālas.
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punching down
Dec. 17th, 2024 | 12:17 pm
posted by: black_robin ir tāds feministu podkāsts 'Visas labas', šad tad paklausos. Nesen tur bija jautājums vai drīkst jokot par visu un tika izteikta doma, ka ne, ka nevar par tiem, kas hierarhijā ir zemāk par tevi.
Šorīt klausījos interviju, kurā Endrū Doils no savas žurnālista/satīriķa/komiķa perspektīvas skaisti ielika šo domu kontekstā:
"...and then there this movement came along which we might call wokeness or critical social justice or whatever you want to call it, which was effectively a new powerful force in society which no one was ridiculing. It was as though for all of us this one closed system of thought had somehow successfully portrayed itself as the underdog and therefore became ring-fenced from satirical attention which is an interesting unprecedented thing. Normally we know the church, the state, the government, whatever..we know who the powerful people are and we know where the satirists target will be. But this was a group that said if you mock us, you're actually punching're a bully, even though this whole movement is of legitimizing bullying."
Un vērtīga piebilde no intervētāja: "It's also a movement that was based on the belief that virtually every form of interaction can be construed as a kind of bullying given that there's no human motivation fundamentally other than that of power."
Šorīt klausījos interviju, kurā Endrū Doils no savas žurnālista/satīriķa/komiķa perspektīvas skaisti ielika šo domu kontekstā:
"...and then there this movement came along which we might call wokeness or critical social justice or whatever you want to call it, which was effectively a new powerful force in society which no one was ridiculing. It was as though for all of us this one closed system of thought had somehow successfully portrayed itself as the underdog and therefore became ring-fenced from satirical attention which is an interesting unprecedented thing. Normally we know the church, the state, the government, whatever..we know who the powerful people are and we know where the satirists target will be. But this was a group that said if you mock us, you're actually punching're a bully, even though this whole movement is of legitimizing bullying."
Un vērtīga piebilde no intervētāja: "It's also a movement that was based on the belief that virtually every form of interaction can be construed as a kind of bullying given that there's no human motivation fundamentally other than that of power."
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Dec. 17th, 2024 | 02:06 pm
posted by: prtg
Lai, priekā starojot, pārciestu Latvijas ziemu, ik dienas minimāli nepieciešams:
D vitamīns divkāršā devā
Vietējās tējas
Kvalitatīva olīveļļa un maize
Čili eļļā, ko pievienot rīsiem
Mandarīni, apelsīni, vīnogas, olīves
Minimālistisks rīku komplekts un pusstunda vingrošanai
Pusstundas āra pastaiga gaišajā dienas laikā
Ikdienas atzīšanās mīlestībā - domās, izteikti vai rakstiski
Sauna reizi vai divas nedēļā
Melnā šokolāde
Žāvētas dzērvenes
Izslēgt: kartupeļus, kafiju, cigaretes, tukšvārdību
D vitamīns divkāršā devā
Vietējās tējas
Kvalitatīva olīveļļa un maize
Čili eļļā, ko pievienot rīsiem
Mandarīni, apelsīni, vīnogas, olīves
Minimālistisks rīku komplekts un pusstunda vingrošanai
Pusstundas āra pastaiga gaišajā dienas laikā
Ikdienas atzīšanās mīlestībā - domās, izteikti vai rakstiski
Sauna reizi vai divas nedēļā
Melnā šokolāde
Žāvētas dzērvenes
Izslēgt: kartupeļus, kafiju, cigaretes, tukšvārdību
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Dec. 17th, 2024 | 01:48 pm
posted by: lilja_brik
ko man ir devusi neo-tantra, īsumā: fokuss pārvirzījies no tā, ka es esmu resna, uz to, ka nav kaut kas nav kārtībā ar auru.
bet redzi, arī tās ir čabošas lapa
īsumā, nav nekā briesmīgāka par kapitālisma iespiešanos reliģijā un psiholoģijā. kapitālisms bija labāks, kad tas mijiedarbojās vienīgi ar mūsu kāri pēc lietām.
nesen nācās (vispār drausmīgi, ka jādara kaut kas tāds) kādam skaidrot, ar ko kapitālisma kolonizācija ir labāka par sociālistu kolonizāciju. jo "Rietumi" joprojām dzīvo "ilūzijā" par Soviet Union projektu (ir viegli par ilūziju nosaukt otra tukšo laukumu, kurā man svilpo vēsturiskā CPTSD vēji): es uzvilkos un apklusu pusceļā. īsumā, mēs esam dirsā no visām pusēm, bet šī saruna mums būs efektīvāka, atmetot rusofobiju un sajūsmu par NATO.
bet redzi, arī tās ir čabošas lapa
īsumā, nav nekā briesmīgāka par kapitālisma iespiešanos reliģijā un psiholoģijā. kapitālisms bija labāks, kad tas mijiedarbojās vienīgi ar mūsu kāri pēc lietām.
nesen nācās (vispār drausmīgi, ka jādara kaut kas tāds) kādam skaidrot, ar ko kapitālisma kolonizācija ir labāka par sociālistu kolonizāciju. jo "Rietumi" joprojām dzīvo "ilūzijā" par Soviet Union projektu (ir viegli par ilūziju nosaukt otra tukšo laukumu, kurā man svilpo vēsturiskā CPTSD vēji): es uzvilkos un apklusu pusceļā. īsumā, mēs esam dirsā no visām pusēm, bet šī saruna mums būs efektīvāka, atmetot rusofobiju un sajūsmu par NATO.