envy ([info]envy) rakstīja,
@ 2006-08-03 18:29:00

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spoks tāds
nu, ko tu rēgojies, ko nedod miera
ne īsti pazūdi, ne parādies

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2006-08-03 18:58 (saite)
es jau klusēju

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2006-08-03 19:30 (saite)
ceturtdiena, 03 Aug 2006 - envy

MERCURY square VENUS (0,4 degree) - MERCURY at 22 CAN 18
You may experience difficulties in social or romantic communication today. Others are just not hearing what you are saying or else you just can't seem to find the right words to express your feelings. Mental discipline is not strong today. Poor judgment in spending habits is likely. Put off major decisions and purchases until this aspect is over.

MARS square SUN (0,5 degree) - MARS at 06 VIR 58
You are full of it today, high energy, force of will, and a dislike of any restraint. Slow down a little so you don't go flying off the handle. Physical, mental, and verbal confrontations are likely today, so stay in control. Don't speed today as the police may be watching you. Don't stay out in the sun too long. Your will is tested today and the universe wants to see if you can keep your head. As they say, "Don't have a cow."

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