Baltijas jūras naftas komentāros begemots teicās, ka teju tikai Norge uz naftas (dabasgāzes utt.) saviem pilsoņiem komunismu uzcēlusi, bet pēc mana komentāra, ka Līča valstis arī varētu būt tai skaitā, atbildēja tipa "nedirs, vecīt".
ātrumā neko daudz neatradu, bet nu avots ir normāls un klajām muļķībām tur nevajadzētu būt
Social BenefitsThe government has sponsored many social welfare, public works, and development plans financed with oil and investment revenues. Among the benefits for Kuwaiti citizens are retirement income, marriage bonuses, housing loans, virtually guaranteed employment, free medical services, and education at all levels. By Amiri decree, the government occasionally disburses a portion of its budget surplus as a grant to all Kuwaiti citizens. In 2006, an Amiri grant of 200 Kuwaiti dinars (approximately $700) was paid to every citizen who applied. In 2007, the government implemented a debt forgiveness scheme for Kuwaiti citizens amounting to just over $1 billion. In February 2011, the government announced an Amiri grant of estimated 1.5 billion Kuwaiti dinars (approximately $5.3 billion), including 1,000 Kuwaiti dinars (approximately $3,500) to be paid to every citizen along with free monthly food baskets to each Kuwaiti family for 14 months. Foreign nationals residing in Kuwait do not have access to these welfare services. The right to own stock in publicly traded companies, real estate, and banks or a majority interest in a business is limited to Kuwaiti citizens and citizens of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries under limited circumstances.
vairāk pameklējot par pārējām mazpilsoņu valstīm (Katara, AAE utml.) arī bildei būtu jāparādās līdzīgai, netiešas norādes bija, bet smuks un apaļš teksts uzreiz neiekrita acīs.
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