Dunduks ([info]dunduks) rakstīja,
ja GDP tika rēķināts pie valūts kursa 1USD=0.67 rubļi, tad ne to vien var uzzīmēt.
ja vēlies vari uzskatīt, ka PSRS sabruka tikai tāpēc, ka dažiem Kremlī palika pofig uz impēriju un ļāva nomalēm pamukt kur nu kurai - katram savs, un liekot saiti uz Wiki vajag tomēr arī izlasīt, kas tur ir rakstīts:

par sabrukšanu

After Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, continuing economic liberalisation moved the economy towards a market-oriented socialist economy. All of these factors contributed to the final dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

par lauksaimniecību

The authors report that in 1979, 28% of the Soviet agricultural production was from small plots of private citizens, which represented less than 1% of the cultivated land. So according to them, collective farms operated very inefficiently.


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