(bez virsraksta) @ 13:12
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20. Maijs 2010Comments Pēc analoģijas ar etiķa esenci, jāsāk pārdot 9% degmaisījums.
Mana rajona alkoholiķi vienu laiku dzēruši degmaisījumu. Tas devis pa bundžām labāk kā šņabis, un arī izmirt viņi sāka tikai pēc gadu ilgas šīs substances lietošanas.
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- I demand to have some booze!
- I wouldn't drink that if I was you. - Why not? - Because I don't advise it. Even the wankers on the site wouldn't drink that. That's worse than meths. - Nonsense. This is a far superior drink to meths. Wankers don't drink it because they can't afford it. Have we got any more? - No. - Liar! What's in your toolbox? - No, we have nothing. Sit down. - Liar! You've got antifreeze. - You bloody fool. You should never mix your drinks!
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