aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
nu, tipa kaut kas šitāds
One day three students, Ann, Bob and Cath, send a request for a certain logic textbook to
the library server at 9am, 10am and 11am, respectively, without knowing this about each other. Because the library has only one sample of the book, the librarian replies by e-mail to everyone informing them that the loan will be given to whoever filed the request first, without any further detail.
(a) Draw a possible worlds model representing the students knowledge, using, for instance, ABC to represent the situation in which Ann was the first sender (and gets the book), Bob second and Cath third, and accessibility links for the agents uncertainty.
(b) Does any of the students know if (s)he will receive the book or not?
(c) Anxious to find out who will receive the book, Bob writes an e-mail to everyone saying: ‘I filed my request at 10 AM. Does any of the students know at this stage if (s)he will receive the book or not?
(d) After this, Cath sends a ‘reply-all’ to Bob’s previous message saying: I think that you might receive the book. Draw an information model representing the three students knowledge after this public announcement.
(e) Finally, Ann sends a reply to Cath saying: ‘I am sorry, but I am sure that you will not receive the book!. Is that true? And if so, is this common knowledge now after Cath received this message? Explain your answer using the information model you have drawn in your answer to (d).

nekas drausmīgi sarežģīts it kā jau nav, bet visa grafiku zīmēšana un acīmredzamā skaidrošana ir ķēpīga lieta

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