aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2010-02-20 16:38:00

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Mūzika:trevor hall - unity
Entry tags:citāts (mūzika)

I don't want a reason anymore about the one I love,
I don't want a reason anymore about God above,
I just want to melt away, in all His grace
Drift away, into that sacred place
Where there's no more you and me, no more they and we, just unity

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2010-02-20 17:01 (saite)
es tev iespējams drīzumā zvanīšu ar vakara piedāvājumu ^_^

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2010-02-20 17:13 (saite)
vīī ^-^
man vispār tāpat tēva uzdevumā vajadzētu ar jums parunāties

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