aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2009-08-27 01:31:00

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Mūzika:the late cord - the late cord

Agnese calculated how long she has been alive, and the result was:
I was born on a Monday and since my birthday...
I've been living for 19 years
I've been living for 230 months
I've been living for 1,000 weeks
I've been living for 7,002 days
I've been living for 168,066 hours
I've been living for 10,083,990 minutes
I've been living for 605,039,417 seconds
I've breathed more than 95,833,410 times!
I've blinked my eyes more than 101,583,410 times!
My heart has beaten more than 705,879,300 times!

p.s. haha, un neko jēdzīgu tik un tā neesmu paspējusi izdarīt

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