bloodflower ([info]cure) rakstīja,
@ 2004-06-27 22:44:00

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Garastāvoklis:mierīgi izcils
Mūzika:cure - anniversary

akjaa,vakar manam zhurnaalam apriteeja gads

the cure - trust

there's no-one left in the world
that i can hold onto
there is really no-one left at all
there is only you
and if you leave me now
you leave all that we were
there is really no-one left
you are the only one
and still the hardest part for you
to put your trust in me
i love you more than i can say
why won't you just believe?

neteikt neko un aizmirst
juus,savaadie,es neesmu druuma,vienkaarshi mieriiga.vakara gaismas iedegas,palaizhot valjaa,nepieskaroties lietaam,veejsh aiznes mani citur.
it's just the end of the world.

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Re: kad tas bija?
2004-06-29 16:46 (saite)
ne jau smic tikai. bovijs, placebo, muse utt utjp arii. pasties pati -
bet man tikko radaas probleema - tie cilveeki ar kuriem es baukshu izraadaas nevarees man guljvietu nodroshinaat, kas noziimee ka man ljoti iisaa laika posmaa jaadabuu telc un vispaar var gadiities, ka nav vairs vietas kempingaa. hehe. guleeshu tad uz zemes ar akmeni pagalvii, kaa tas mazais ganinjsh. :DD aj nu - cerams jau ka buus OO KAA. JAABUUT!!!

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