ctulhu ([info]ctulhu) rakstīja,
Interesēs pēc drusku paskatījos kā viņi to US dara

Uzsvars uz mehanizēto šķirošanu:

/How is recycling sorted in the US?
The sorting process

Sorting begins with the removal of any non-recyclable items. A vibrating machines separates the cardboard and paper - different types of paper are sorted by hand and then baled. The remaining recyclables continue on another conveyor where steel cans are removed using magnets./

Pieejas ir dažādas, no stata atkarājas, bet cik es sapratu šausmīgā sajūsmā par ideju ``šķirošanu sāk iedzīvotāji`` viņi nav, piemēram:

//Source separation Each material is cleaned and sorted by the consumer prior to collection. It requires the least post-collection sorting and produces the purest recyclates. However, it incurs additional operating costs for collecting each material, and requires extensive public education to avoid recyclate contamination.[5] In Oregon, US, Oregon DEQ surveyed multi-family property managers; about half of them reported problems, including contamination of recyclables due to trespassers such as transients gaining access to collection areas.[7]/

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