zazis ([info]zazis) rakstīja,
rekur pēdējo vēl speciāli tevi, apšaubu gan, ka spēsi izlasīt, jo ir gari.

"Vegetarianism and veganism are both dietary choices that abstain from consuming meat, but they differ in the extent to which animal products are avoided.

Vegetarians typically do not eat meat, poultry, or seafood, but they may still consume animal products such as eggs, dairy products, and honey. On the other hand, vegans avoid all animal-derived products, including not only meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy but also eggs, honey, and any other animal byproducts or ingredients.

While there are similarities between vegetarians and vegans, it is not accurate to make blanket conclusions about one group based solely on research conducted on the other. The dietary restrictions and ethical motivations of vegans go beyond those of vegetarians. Vegans often have concerns about animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and personal health that may not be shared by all vegetarians.

If you specifically want to study vegans, it is important to conduct research that focuses on this group directly. While there may be some overlapping patterns and findings between vegetarians and vegans, it is crucial to acknowledge their unique characteristics and motivations."

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