covid_19 ([info]covid_19) rakstīja,
@ 2021-02-03 14:22:00

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extraņdžēro, skaties šurp
The comparison of the province of Lodi (where a rigid lockdown was imposed in certain areas starting on 24 February) and the province of Bergamo (where it started later on 9 March) on 17 March showed that the first one recovered faster and the exponential increase of cases stopped.

lūk tev līknes - skatamies itāliju ;)

paga, mums taču arī spānija bija, moment, aha:
A first counterfactual exercise
shows that the lockdown implemented on March 14 has reduced the number of potential
COVID-19 cases by 79.5%. The largest reductions in coronavirus cases are found in provinces
that are either close to the epicentres of the coronavirus or adjacent to provinces with more
advanced epidemics. A second counterfactual exercise shows, however, that the number of
coronavirus cases would have been reduced by an additional 12.8% if the lockdown had been
brought forward to March 7th, a reduction that likely would have prevented the collapse of
many hospitals in Spain.

lūk - totāls kokdauns, nekādas kustības, armija ielās, stāt šaušu - globāls skorbuls un komēta!

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havo havo
2021-02-03 15:17 (saite)
Lokaduani ļoti palīdz ultrabagātajiem kļūt galaktiski bagātiem, kamēr pretīgi nabagie kļūst riebīgi nabagāki. Un papildus visādi likumiņi bīdās fonā, kas nākotnē aizliegs to, to, šito un vēl kaut ko. Bet pipl havajet.

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Re: havo havo
2021-02-03 15:19 (saite)
ļoti labi to zināt, tik kā tas atslienas pret statistiku?

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