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MV Rhosus
On 23 September 2013, the Moldovan-flagged cargo ship MV Rhosus set sail from Batumi, Georgia, to Beira, Mozambique, carrying 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate.[13] During the trip, it was forced to port in Beirut with engine problems.[14] After inspection by Port State Control, the Rhosus was found unseaworthy, and it was forbidden to set sail.[15][14] Eight Ukrainians and one Russian were aboard, and with the help of a Ukrainian consul, five Ukrainians were repatriated, leaving four crew members to take care of the ship.[16][a]

The owner of the Rhosus went bankrupt, and after the charterers lost interest in the cargo, the owner abandoned the ship.[16] The Rhosus then quickly ran out of provisions, while the crew were unable to disembark due to immigration restrictions.[13] Creditors also obtained three arrest warrants[b] against the ship.[16][13] Lawyers argued for the crew's repatriation on compassionate grounds, due to the danger posed by the cargo still aboard the ship, and an Urgent Matters judge in Beirut allowed them to return home after having been stuck aboard the ship for about a year.[13][16] The dangerous cargo was then brought ashore in 2014 and placed in a building, Hangar 12, at the port[clarification needed] for the next six years.[13][18][15][19]

Various customs officials had sent letters to judges requesting a resolution to the issue of the confiscated cargo, proposing that the ammonium nitrate either be exported, given to the Army, or sold to the private Lebanese Explosives Company.[c][18] Letters had been sent on 27 June 2014, 5 December 2014, 6 May 2015, 20 May 2016, 13 October 2016, and 27 October 2017.[18] One of the letters sent in 2016 noted that judges had not replied to previous requests, and "pleaded":[18]

Tas, ka kuģi arestēja par nepiemērotību braukšanai vēl ir ok (lai gan vēl jau nevar zināt, vai tas netika darīts, lai nepieprasītu kukuli). Bet gadiem neko nedarīt ar bīstamu kravu, par spīti vairākiem ziņojumiem, vēstulēm, lūgumiem, tas ir jāmāk. Es vienmēr esmu uzskatījis, ka pasaulei gals pienāks nevis no AI, bet no pilnīgi miesiskiem birokrātiem.

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