chirkainais (chirkainais) rakstīja, @ 2009-08-13 18:55:00 |
Mūzika: | K.C. & The Sunshine Band |
Gribēju jau uzrakstīt par nesen noskatīto filmu 'Sargi' jeb 'Watchmen'. Par to, cik ļoti patika eleganti savirknētais sižets. Par to, cik ārkārtīgi paņēma vizuālie efekti un katrs kads kā bilde. Nav jau brīnums, ja režisors ir Zaks Snaiders, kuš spridzināja jau Spartā. Gribēju arī rakstīt par feino skaņu celiņu, kurš nepārspējami piemeklēts filmas ainiņām. Arī par mr.Manhattan vienmērīgi nosvērto balsi filmā. Bet līdz tam es vēl nebiju redzējis nedaudz pavecāko "Lucky number Slevin". Sākumā mūvis šķita kā elegants kriminālais komēdijs Gaja Ričijia gaumē a la "Lock, stock etc.". Bet skrūv jū, naivais skatītāj! Tik izdevies maindfaks un vēl vairāk garnētu sižeta pasniegšanas manieri ij ne sagaidīt nevarēja. Labie izrādās ļaunie, ļaunie izrādās vēl ļaunāki un visam pa vidu arī The Boss.
I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm The Boss.
I thought he was The Boss.
Why? Do we look alike? So you were gonna tell me something?
I don't know, you brought me here.
Yes. But back when you thought I was him.
I didn't think you were him, I thought he was you. And I was trying to tell him - you that you picked up the wrong guy.
The wrong guy for what?
Whatever it is you wanna see me about.
Do you know what I wanna see you about?
Then how do you know I got the wrong guy?
Cause I'm not...
Maybe I want to give you $96,000. In that case do I still have the wrong guy?
Do you wanna give me $96,000?
No, do you wanna give me $96,000?
No, should I?
I don't know, should you?
I don't know, should I?
Okay, I'm under the impression that you're under the impression that I owe you $96,000...?
No, you owe Slim Hopkins $96,000. You owe Slim, Slim owes me. You owe me.
Slevin:This isn't the first time this has happened, you know.
Lindsey: You mean this isn't the first time a crime lord asked you to kill the
gay son of a rival gangster to pay off a debt that belongs to a friend
whose place you're staying in as a result of losing your job, your
apartment, and finding your girlfriend in bed with another guy?
Nu, longstorīšōrt, iesaku. Pavisam silti iesaku!