Ūūlę ([info]chimera) rakstīja,
@ 2010-02-26 17:50:00

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In his book "Goth Craft", the improbably named Raven Digitalis identifies an even more improbable figure of no less than 26 of these different sub-species. These include WhiteGoths [Goths who wear white], SkimpyGoths [Goths who don't wear much at all], and NonGoths [Mansonities and NINies not worthy of the name Goth].

nopirkām kādā brīnišķīgā hellsinku grāmatnīcā, kas strādā pēc ne mazāk brīnišķa principa "ņem trīs, maksā par divām".

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2010-02-26 18:17 (saite)
pēc analoģijas ar BaltajiemGotiem :)

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