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@ 2019-07-12 12:24:00

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I have yet to encounter a likable character in these old Merchant-Ivory films; hence why I'm absolutely enraptured by them. Neither the East nor the West has any of the answers, so you might as well fuck Shashi Kapoor while you can.

wow, bombay talkie (1970) ir filma, ko nofilmējuši speciāli man, par "briesmīgajām baltajām sievietēm" prātojošai un what not! kā viņi zināja, ka es par to prātošu?!

mans otrs mīļākais revjū ir: White lady goes to India and ruins everything.


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2019-07-12 15:46 (saite)
nē, a kā es vispār šo filmmeikeru trijotni palaidu garām???

Of this collaboration, Ismail Merchant once commented: "It is a strange marriage we have at Merchant Ivory ... I am an Indian Muslim, Ruth is a German Jew, and Jim is a Protestant American. Someone once described us as a three-headed god. Maybe they should have called us a three-headed monster!"

also, esmu sentimentāla un dievinu ilgstošus, laimīgus mīlasstātus (50 gadi romantisku un radošu partnerattiecību!!)

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