judging the mice ([info]rasbainieks) rakstīja,
es mazliet nocitēšu vienu cibas ierakstu, kurš ir zem atslēgas:
Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household, by country, 2014 (% of total population) - to uzskata par indikatoru han udenju tiiriibai gan ljauzu labklaajibai un drosibai (korelācija inversa – rasb. piez.)
par to runaa visaas konferencees – with the accessibility to bath and toilet in one’s household, individuals do not need to leave the home at night. This increases the individual security situation especially for girls and women who may become target of nightly attacks when leaving their home to relieve themselves. SDG 6 also addressed their needs specifically

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