Ūūlę ([info]chimera) rakstīja,
@ 2012-11-29 21:07:00

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ja kāds grib iepazīties ar greja nokrāsām tuvāk, bet tāpat kā raustās histēriskos smieklos pie kādas agrīnās nodaļas un tālāk netiek, lūgtum šeit:

/paldies diānai par lasāmvielu/

...and the doctor says to Christian: “Look after her; she’s a beautiful, bright young woman.” How she figured that out from a vaginal exam, I have no idea.

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2012-11-30 09:21 (saite)
Every day at the literary agency I would open two dozen letters that explained how the story of the new girl in town who is fascinated with a mysterious, brooding bad boy was different from Twilight because he wasn't a vampire; he was a demon.

In my weeks as a reader, I learned to appreciate the otherworldly pain of such inhuman creatures as angels, aliens, faeries, Wayne Newton, half-bloods, hunky Frankensteins, werewolves, dhampirs, sexy mummies, mermen, skinwalkers, surprisingly few ghosts and the Wandering Jew. However, women do not like sex with trolls, zombies or robots.

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