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[Nov. 25th, 2021|12:37 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 03:57 pm
Vai vari viegli atrast internatos vai vinsh bija sanjemis poti?
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:12 pm
Nu un ko tas maina? Ja visi 100% būtu potēti, tad jebkurā nāvē varētu vainot poti. Pārfrāzējot slaveno covid-skeptiķu rindu: "Nomira no potes vai nomira ar poti?"
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:20 pm
Okay - If we are seeing more young athletes (who are exerting pressure on their heart) collapse and/or die, we should investigate.

IF those collapsing and dying are, overwhelmingly, vaccinated a/o not vaccinated, then it is reasonable to consider the vaccine as being a cause.

There seems to be mounting evidence (see the AHA paper) that these vaccines are causing heart problems in young people.

Ko tas maina? Essentially it means young people - who are highly unlikely to be taking up hospital beds with Covid - should not be put under pressure that could lead to illness or death.
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:31 pm
What are AHA paper numbers?
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:33 pm
American Heart Association Papers - there is a link in the original post.
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:36 pm
there are no numbers there - just description of the way the vaccines can bring about heart problems. Re numbers, check out info on increases in myocarditis etcetera in younger people. I hesitate to do it as the information sources have become extremely polarised - almost ideologically so.
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:47 pm
Ā, jā, un tu izlasīji, ka "The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population", tie ir cilvēki, kas jau skaitās ar sirds problēmām.
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:53 pm
sure - good point. The question I would have then is if it also increases likelihood of heart problems in the rest of the population. Like I said IF those collapsing are vaccinated, then these groups should be checked - and I would suggest these vaccines not be made mandatory.

Good job there is still - pagaidam - a control group.
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:35 pm
pag, tu esi informēts, ka pārslimošana ir tūkstošiem reižu (un es vulgarizēju tikai mazliet) lielāks riska faktors? what about all the evidence that this disease is causing heart problems and all sorts of other issues in all age groups?
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:39 pm
Kaa Tu zini? Kaa Tu vari to apgalvot (par to 100 - 1000x)? Cik es saprotu, viss tiek dariits, lai noliegt vakciinu, kaa iemeesls.

Vajag shp peetiit neitraali, ja tas vispaar ir iespeejams - citaadi gandriz visu xtra mirstiiba tiks norakstiits uz Covid.
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 04:55 pm
Dr. Ochs: "Le RISQUE vu vaccin est 40 FOIS PLUS élevé que le virus pour les moins de 50 ans"

Date:November 25th, 2021 - 06:35 pm
Papeetiija. Izskataas, ka buutu vajadzeejis klausiit industrijas spiidekljus (Vanden Bossche etc).


"Coronavirus-related deaths are not the main cause of excess mortality.. The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality.
The correlation is + .31, is astonishingly high and above all in an unexpected direction. It should actually be negative, so that one could say: the higher the vaccination rate, the lower the excess mortality."
[User Picture]
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 06:01 pm
Yes, this does require research, because vaccines could be the culprit, eg. in any particular case.

But even then the essential question would remain unanswered -- was having the vaccine even in that particular case WORSE than the disease would have been? I mean, would he have been alive, if he had had covid and hadn't vaccinated?

I mean, if it would be reasonably certain that I can avoid COVID, I wouldn't vaccinate -- but then again, nobody would, and nobody would be asked to vaccinate in the first place.

Since it seems opposite, vaccination *is a risk* that still seems (to me) comparatively smaller than having the full blown disease.

As regards these deaths, unfortunately, since you can't have a person both vaccinated and unvaccinated, it might take some time to reach an answer due to (thankfully comparatively small so far) sample size. I foresee a number of somewhat formidable problems though in distinguishing between covid-related and vaccine-related issues, that might require some thinking or -- unfortunately larger sample size -- to arrive to some degree of certainty.
Date:November 25th, 2021 - 09:19 pm
Nesaprotu, kāpēc visu laiku jāpārspīlē no sērijas "was having the vaccine even in that particular case WORSE than the disease would have been?", ja reiz Latvijā kopā ar vīrusu līdz šim brīdim ir inficējušies 250 000 cilvēku, no kuriem cik ir miruši vai slimojuši īpaši smagi, hmm?
[User Picture]
Date:November 26th, 2021 - 12:09 am
kā. nu, obviously. ir cilvēki kam ir blaknes vai kuri nomirst no vakcīnas, vai ne?

ir cilvēki, kam ir blaknes vai kuri nomirst no covid, vai ne?

ja cilvēks ir vakcinējies un tik un tā nomiris saistībā ar covid saistītā veidā, tas var uzrādīt, ka vakcīnai šinī gadījumā ir bijušas kādas papildus riski, kas iepriekš nav apzināti (par ko, cik saprotu, uztraucas [info]brookings).

bet no šī viena gadījuma mēs neko nevaram uzzināt par to, kas notiktu, ja viņš būtu dabūjis covid *bez* vakcīnas.

tas savukārt ir vajadzīgs, lai varētu pateikt, vai šai gadījumā vakcinēšanās ir bijis lielāks risks par nevakcinēšanos.

pēc manas izpratnes, ja cilvēkam ir problēmas pēc vakcinācijas, tad man šķiet ticami, ka viņam būtu ne mazākas problēmas nevakcinētam saslimstot ar covid.

bet varbūt man nav taisnība un sportistiem ir jēga nevakcinēties. diemžēl, katram individuāli cilvēkam to nevarēs pateikt nekad, bet tikai pēc statistikas. varbūt daļai cilvēku, kas pārslimojuši ar covid, būs ļoti riskanti nodarboties ar intensīviem sporta veidiem turpmāko mūžu. varbūt vakcinēšanās to padara riskantāku vai tieši otrādi, mazāk riskantu. domājams, kaut ko mēs tuvākā gada divu laikā šai sakarā uzzināsim.