Comments: |
> "If there is such a thing as a Soros-Globalist" - there is. You are, I am quite sure, wrong about that.
Now you're talking. Personal experience and personal evidence is much more impressive than any internet publication. I have had personal dealings with SSE public, so I am interested.
> It doesn't matter to me if you think I am wrong.
You certainly can be wrong, but not neccessarily are. The untenous position that I am trying to occupy is being skeptical, but not implicitly dismissive of any arguments and evidence. When we are able to do personal meetings again, then we'll be able to discuss this, if you are up to it.
Vai tu nepiekrīti pašam "globālisma" konceptam vai, ka Soross būtu par tādu uzskatāms, vai arī, ka arī starp latviešiem ir šī kluba biedri?
Tas ir jautājums, uz ko es nevaru ātri atbildēt ar jā/nē; jo man būtu jāsaka "BET". | |