Jan. 28th, 2021|11:51 am |
"Arrivals from 22 “high-risk” areas will soon be forced to quarantine in a hotel when they arrive in Britain. There will be no exceptions to the rule, and travellers must stay put for 10 days, even if they test negative for COVID-19.... Priti Patel told the Commons:
“The Government’s focus is on protecting the UK’s world-leading vaccination programme – a programme that we should be proud of. And reducing the risk of a new strain of the virus being transmitted from someone coming into the UK.“
Tā tad, tie, kuri domā, ka tas viss beigsies ar sapņu komandas vakcinācijas programu, vajadzētu padomāt vēlreiz. Būs jaunas mutācijas, un būs ierobežojumi kamēr gaidām jaunās vakcinācijas. Un šis turpināsies tik ilgi, cik viņi grib. Varbūt līdz brīdim, kad būsim gatavi drošajai jaunajai pasaulei.
Konteksts (ko man vajag pārbaudīt): Kopš 1989 - 2020, visu imeslu mirstība UK 2020 gada esot 16ajā vietā. 1989 bija vissliktākais gads (1144.4/100,000) - visslābākais bija 2013 (889.9/100,000). 2020 esot (no ONS) 1016.2/100,000.
Essentially, the inability of people to wonder about what else might be going on here reflects a lack of thought and curiosity about the way the world works. I am a rank amateur, and no one need take any notice of my bollocks, but seriously... you think this is about a virus? |