Comments: |
just a couple of quick points as I am off to bed in a bit. You misunderstood (I didn't make it clear) my point about 'denuded of financial independence'. Here I am talking about individuals unable to earn money - not the state. the state is in debt - even more now, of course, but I would never make the point that it is independent - as it clearly isn't.
"If there is such a thing as a Soros-Globalist" - there is. You are, I am quite sure, wrong about that. The thing is, I taught above the Soros Hall at SSE for 6 years. I know Vjačelavs D and the young student who was set up to start a Left-wing group in LV a while back. He even tried to get me involved. I used to work in that Birojnica. I saw who came in and who went and held events and recorded parts to the camera. I am pretty sure I got 4 from 2+2. I may be many things, but I am not blind. It doesn't matter to me if you think I am wrong. I know what I have seen and heard, so I am pretty immovable on this one.
Other than that, I would ask you to consider the evidence that strict lockdowns don't actually help (or help much). Take a look at the info in the US states, or between European countries who pursued different policies. I think this data will show that your assertion we would be in an even worse financial state if we had not imposed these kinds of restrictions is conjecture.
What else? 'few would even need to know about it'- yeah absolutely. Think about the banking system as an example. How many people know about that really works? How many people who do know are ready to say anything about it? I'm thinking of the guy doing his masters after the crisis (I was helping him with his English) who said to me his career would be over if he talked about the real nature of the banking system. It took me 2 hours to get an ex-student at SSE who was a chief economist at a bank to confirm my understanding was correct, basically. It isn't even taught in the syllabus. My mate who did PPE at Oxford said it was a small part of the curriculum at PHD level. I rather imagine the political class just go along with whatever is perceived as the accepted wisdom. They know what happens to them if they stop reading from the song sheet, too: they will get targeted like Gobzems. Of course, many will think what we are doing is more or less correct: we need to impose strict restrictions, we need to vaccinate, and if there are new strains, we should impose more restrictions and on and on and on. They will only change their tune if their feathers get ruffled by mass demonstrations - which might - just might be in the offing.
> "If there is such a thing as a Soros-Globalist" - there is. You are, I am quite sure, wrong about that.
Now you're talking. Personal experience and personal evidence is much more impressive than any internet publication. I have had personal dealings with SSE public, so I am interested.
> It doesn't matter to me if you think I am wrong.
You certainly can be wrong, but not neccessarily are. The untenous position that I am trying to occupy is being skeptical, but not implicitly dismissive of any arguments and evidence. When we are able to do personal meetings again, then we'll be able to discuss this, if you are up to it.
Vai tu nepiekrīti pašam "globālisma" konceptam vai, ka Soross būtu par tādu uzskatāms, vai arī, ka arī starp latviešiem ir šī kluba biedri?
Tas ir jautājums, uz ko es nevaru ātri atbildēt ar jā/nē; jo man būtu jāsaka "BET". | |