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[Jan. 21st, 2021|12:25 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 09:06 pm
sweetheart/young man, you are sorely mistaken if you think I am going to watch a Youtube video of an extrovert Yank explaining the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

This is Ciba, and in my Ciba I will give my thoughts, opinions, and farts on a range of matters. If anyone thinks I am talking out of my arse, they are entitled to let me know - which they often do. I ain't blocked anyone, yet.

In this case, your suggestion seems to be not to look into anything if I don't expect to find anything good. Thanks, but if I had taken this advice I wouldn't, for example, had learned how the banking system works. It is rather depressing, but I am glad I know. Some people just want to know.
[User Picture]
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 09:40 pm
this guy is an epitome of 'sheeple'
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 10:04 pm
Ja esi kompetents kaut viena tema, piemeram par banku sistemu, tad tas jau nozime, ka saproti, kas ir kompetence. Cilveki kas mak kompetenci un tai pat laika nesaprot limitus man ir lielaka mikla. Runa nav par to vai "drikst" but viedoklis bet vai "vajag".
[User Picture]
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 10:06 pm
Jesus wept. This is Ciba. Where in God's name do you think you are?
[User Picture]
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 10:09 pm
And while I am here, when it comes to the thrust of this post - the changes taking place due to the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset that has been touted by the Great and the Good - you tell me which part of that 'thesis' is the most convincing/hardest to discount?
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 10:27 pm
Neesmu dross ka sapratu, vari uzrakstit vienkarsak?
[User Picture]
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 10:29 pm
But you can understand youtube videos in English?
[User Picture]
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 10:33 pm
Okay, in brief:
1) The conspiracy theory is that there is a deliberate attempt to engineer a Great Reset in order to adjust society to the effects of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
2) This involves for example people not owning anything anymore, and is brought to you by the members of the WEF - the biggest and most influential corporations on the planet.
3) The lockdowns and restrictions help bring this about.
4) I assume you have looked into this, and I get the feeling you are not convinced by it. If so, could you tell me, however, which aspect of this theory was the most convincing/hardest to discount?
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 11:38 pm
Industrial revolution, people not owning anything, most influential corporations, lockdowns and restrictions - sie aspekti ir loti parliecinosi, jo tie patiesam eksiste un notiek.

Problema ir ar "deliberate attempt" dalu. Vai tas nozime speciali raditu virusu? Speciali raditus negodpratigus ierobezojumus?
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 12:05 am
Par virusu, es nezinu - par negodpartigus ierobežojumus, es personģi esmu arvien pārliecinātāks jo sekas tām ir graujoši - it īpaši kad pastāv citi veidi tikt galā ar šo virusu.

Starp citu, tu vari skatīties uz visu-iemeslu mirstību, lai saprastu cik šis virus ir briesmīgs. Tādā veidā nav jāstrīdas par to, vai kāds nomira no Covid vai no kaut ka cita. Virusa iespaids būs skaidrāks.
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 12:19 pm
Still no lockdown in Sweden. Why do "they" spare us?

Can you imagine, I can freely do all of these things: go shopping, eat and drink at restaurants, bars and cafes, go to the gym, travel by bus, subway and train, walk anywhere I want at any given time. Well, I choose to not do some of these things, or do them less, but nobody is forcing me. There are some restrictions, yes. For example, no alcohol served after 8pm, shops have to designate threshhold for how many customers are allowed inside simultaneously, masks are recommended in public transport 7-9am and 4-6pm. To be honest, I have not felt effect of any of of these restrictions so far - I noticed that they were counting incoming people at the entrance of Systembolaget (state-owned booze shop), but there was no cue.

But still some fuckwits try to present this as "Sweden changing its strategy"...

Anyway, no reset of your description seems to be happening here, so I guess I am safe! =)
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 12:32 pm
liels prieks to dzirdēt!
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 12:46 pm
Čīrz, meit! But do you have any answer to my question? =P
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 02:40 pm
No. I will have to think about it. Maybe you can help? Why is Sweden being so pragmatic compared to the rest of Western and Central Europe? Are there possibly non-pc reasons (for example not wishing to police lockdown measures on immigrant communities)? Maybe Sweden is already along way along to being the kind of society that befits - in the eyes of the technocrat - the 4th Industrial Revoltion - for example is Sweden not predominantly cashless now? Would Swedes already be ready to accept microchipping and annual covid-vaccinations, and biometric passports etcetera? What about the economic set up in Sweden? Do small businesses less able to survive a lockdown constitute a small or large proportion of the economy?

Knowing the answer to these kinds of questions might help me understand (or fit it into a narrative).
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 04:03 pm
I think one reason for no lockdowns here is that it is legally impossible. Not even with the new "pandemic law". They would need to amend the constitutional laws, and in order to do that they need 2 approvals by the parliament with elections in-between. Next parliamentary elections are scheduled for 2022.

Regarding cash, yes, Sweden is very much cashless, but not in any enforced way. You can use cash, people just simply choose to not use it (including myself). That said, if I remember correctly, the official guidance material "if war or crisis comes" mentions the necessity to keep some cash at home.

I have absolutely no idea about microchipping so I would say that topic is not in the media discourse. Vaccinations - in general the public is rather positive, but I think the latest statistics for covid vaccine support were a bit less encouraging. Still, FHM & Tegnell repeatedly stress that any vaccinations have to be voluntary.

Biometric passports - no idea, but are all EU passports not biometric already?

Without any reference to statistics I would say that there are quite a lot of small businesses, and many people have some part-time businesses besides their regular jobs as well. The cafe I mention in my Ciba is a small business. Actually I might be starting my own soon, apparently there is some state support available for unemployed dudes like me who have a somewhat feasible business idea...
[User Picture]
Date:January 21st, 2021 - 11:49 pm
Especially since considering claims of the Dunning-Kruger effect are thought to be just due to errors in original research.