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[Jan. 21st, 2021|12:25 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 12:32 pm
liels prieks to dzirdēt!
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 12:46 pm
Čīrz, meit! But do you have any answer to my question? =P
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 02:40 pm
No. I will have to think about it. Maybe you can help? Why is Sweden being so pragmatic compared to the rest of Western and Central Europe? Are there possibly non-pc reasons (for example not wishing to police lockdown measures on immigrant communities)? Maybe Sweden is already along way along to being the kind of society that befits - in the eyes of the technocrat - the 4th Industrial Revoltion - for example is Sweden not predominantly cashless now? Would Swedes already be ready to accept microchipping and annual covid-vaccinations, and biometric passports etcetera? What about the economic set up in Sweden? Do small businesses less able to survive a lockdown constitute a small or large proportion of the economy?

Knowing the answer to these kinds of questions might help me understand (or fit it into a narrative).
[User Picture]
Date:January 22nd, 2021 - 04:03 pm
I think one reason for no lockdowns here is that it is legally impossible. Not even with the new "pandemic law". They would need to amend the constitutional laws, and in order to do that they need 2 approvals by the parliament with elections in-between. Next parliamentary elections are scheduled for 2022.

Regarding cash, yes, Sweden is very much cashless, but not in any enforced way. You can use cash, people just simply choose to not use it (including myself). That said, if I remember correctly, the official guidance material "if war or crisis comes" mentions the necessity to keep some cash at home.

I have absolutely no idea about microchipping so I would say that topic is not in the media discourse. Vaccinations - in general the public is rather positive, but I think the latest statistics for covid vaccine support were a bit less encouraging. Still, FHM & Tegnell repeatedly stress that any vaccinations have to be voluntary.

Biometric passports - no idea, but are all EU passports not biometric already?

Without any reference to statistics I would say that there are quite a lot of small businesses, and many people have some part-time businesses besides their regular jobs as well. The cafe I mention in my Ciba is a small business. Actually I might be starting my own soon, apparently there is some state support available for unemployed dudes like me who have a somewhat feasible business idea...