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Old left vs New Left [Jan. 27th, 2017|10:51 am]
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“The respect that the president of the United States just showed us … was nothing short of incredible,” said Sean McGarvey, president of the umbrella organisation North America’s Building Trades Unions.
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 11:14 am
new new left tad jau par robotu tiesībām
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 11:30 am
ha ha
Bet istenībā jā: varēs tos robotus izmantot, lai atbrīvotos no tiem pretīgajiem strādnieku šķiras pārstāviem - tie, kuri, piemēram, balsotu pār Trumpu vai Brexit.. win win.
Date:January 27th, 2017 - 11:33 am
progressive enlightened robots against that dark divisive outdated vision of those bodily prejudiced working class grunts and ruffians
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 11:34 am
:) They will not be divided!
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 11:57 am
Trampu vajadzētu arī UK, jo haoss ar pasažieru vilcieniem (Southern) vairs nav izturams. Acīmredzot, problēma ir ar grūstošo infrastruktūru un uzņēmēju mēģinājumiem ietaupīt, samazinot strādnieku skaitu.
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 12:02 pm
Tu tur dzīvo?
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 12:08 pm
Jā, man tieši katru dienu ar Southern vilcienu jābrauc uz universitāti. No rīta paskatos, ka vilciens būs laikā, kamēr aizeju uz staciju, jau vīd uzraksts, ka kavējas. Nu ja kavējas, tad kavējas. Bet pēc 10 minūtēm paziņo ka atcelts.

Vai arī vilciens atnāk, bet nepietur stacijā, jo kavēšanās dēļ nav laika piestāt.

Tad vēl bija problēmas, ka atlaida konduktorus, jo vilciena vadītājs var viens tikt galā. Bet reāli invalīdi netiek vilcienā, jo vilciena vadītāji nevar palīdzēt.
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 12:21 pm
I might have had problems believing that if I hadn't recently been to the UK. I went to meet a mate coming from Liverpool to Norwich. He got in just an hour and a half late. Mind you if we had a version of Trump, who made the trains run on time, oh boy, can you imagine what the protesting block would say? (think Italian fascist).
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 12:36 pm
Jā, tieši tā es to iedomājos. Nežēlīgs diktators, pie kura vilcieni pienāk laikā! :D
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Date:January 27th, 2017 - 09:06 pm
nju ja :D , Musolīni sakārtotais itāļu dzelzceļš joprojām darbojas nevainojami
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Date:January 28th, 2017 - 12:16 am
The notion that the trains were running on time was [false, but] none the less vigorously put about by the Fascist propaganda machine. 'Official press agents and official philosophers . . . explained to the world that the running of trains was the symbol of the restoration of law and order,' wrote Seldes. It helped that foreign correspondents in Rome were very carefully controlled and that the reporting of all railway accidents or delays was banned.
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Date:January 28th, 2017 - 10:06 pm
Fake news, surely!!

Don't know much about that period of Italian history except that Mussolini crushed the mafia in Sicily, and that according to one British journalist everyone (including democrats, communists, socialists, liberals) were fascists ( tongue in cheek, maybe, but it might mean something :)
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Date:January 28th, 2017 - 11:17 pm
Funny you should say that.

I was just looking at Mussolini's wikipedia page because of the train question, and I read further on there about his handyman in Sicilia, who indeed was subduing mafia according to Mussolini's orders.

However, as I understood, when he did so, he exposed mafia ties to the political circles in Rome, and was recalled, shuffled around and retired.

And then during the war, of course, Allies resurrected mafia and made it strong.