iedarbīgas zāles ([info]bez4pieci) rakstīja,
@ 2007-01-21 00:24:00

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atradu, kā sauc to instrumentu - sandawa monochord. tikai nezinu, kāpēc viņi popularizē to monokorda vārdu, ja monokordi ir vienstīgas instrumenti, bet šis ir kaut kas tieši pretējs.

šim instrumentam ir viena īpatnība - to nevar nopirkt veikalos. tas tiek gatavots tikai pašiniciatīvas komūnistiskos vorkšopos.

lūk, fragments no ernsta bērenta primordial tones, kas atskaņots ar monokordu. kādam naf aizķēries kāds cd no šī komplekta?

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2007-01-22 15:12 (saite)
The sandawa is essentially a monochord with many strings tuned to the same
note. The belief that each of the celestial bodies generates a musical tone has persisted since ancient times. While the frequencies of the tones are outside hearing range, they become audible when the pitch is raised by a specific number of octaves. Berendt reproduces these tones accoustically on the “sandawa,” a multistring monochord instrument that creates manifold overtones.

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