iedarbīgas zāles ([info]bez4pieci) rakstīja,
@ 2006-03-02 12:33:00

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[Havana and oriental lilac cats] are notorious retrievers and follow their owners around,wanting to be in the midst of household chores.  Some are thieves,stealing favourite objects like pencils, matchboxes and keys, they maystrike characteristic poses that seem to be passed on genetically. Perhaps the most famous posture is the 'wounded paw' syndrome.  If a Havana is not getting enough attention it will raise one pawpathetically until it gets some sympathy.  If sympathy is notforthcoming and the cat gets tired it will switch its pretended ailment to the other paw.

šitādu rozā pantēru šovakar braucu skatīties.

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2006-03-02 13:53 (saite)
Eu!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tur nav divi tādi?

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2006-03-02 14:20 (saite)
lai pie manis viņam nebūtu pietiekami atenšen, ja nu tikai no suņa:(

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2006-03-02 17:19 (saite)
nea, esot tikai viena kaķenīte. bet, nu, man tādas aizdomas, ka ātrāk vai vēlāk šā kā tā būs jāņem šai kompanions

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