balrogh ([info]balrogh) rakstīja,
@ 2006-12-14 12:06:00

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-Hey, god morning, god morning, god morning....
-Howz ya doin', god morning ...
-God, what do ya have for me?
-Oh, we have these very cute b....(What eva')... chickens here...
-Great, i wanna those, give me two of them, com'on'
-You aren't planing of fucking those chickens, ar you?
-Do You fuck chickens?
-Well, I have thought fucking some chicken before. If ya' wanna have a good time and ya' need some pussy, you can cut a chickens head off, stick your dick in the ass of a chicken and that fucking chicken will go crazy on that ass, going - grhhhhaaaaaaaaa....

Wanna try anybody, my niggazzzzz???:D:D:D

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2006-12-14 13:38 (saite)
Joprojām lividity? :)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2006-12-14 13:40 (saite)
kas tad cits var šitādu ..... izdomāt :D:D:D:D

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