Witch. snake. running ([info]bagdarama) rakstīja,
@ 2012-08-23 10:35:00

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Older fathers pass on more new genetic mutations to their children than younger fathers, increasing their children's risk of autism, schizophrenia and other diseases, new research published Wednesday shows. While advanced maternal age is a major cause behind rare chromosomal problems such as Down syndrome in babies, the latest findings add to growing evidence suggesting that at conception it is the father's age— rather than the mother's—that is the main factor behind the passing of new hereditary mutations to children.

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2012-08-24 11:59 (saite)
Nu, es diez vai ietu strideties ar genetikji ;)

Par nature vs nurture - shauras robezhas protams. Un ir iznemumi abas puses.

Es drizak par to, ka vide, kas ir arpus konkretu materialu skatishanas savu bernu planojot, katrs otrais ir gatavs noradit uz mates vecuma problemam, kamer papuchi ir labi visu laiku.

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