vējaslota ([info]babilona) rakstīja,
@ 2009-05-23 16:03:00

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Mūzika:the smiths - heaven knows i'm miserable now

man ir apnicis, ka gandrīz visas attiecības, viss vienas, draudzības, ļubestības vai vienkārši draudzīgas kopā gulēšanas, lai būtu siltāk un patīkamāk, beigās otram izrādās mazsvarīgākas nekā tās ir man. cik esmu novērojusi, līdz šim dzīvē es lielākoties esmu pārvērtējusi savstarpējās attiecības ar citiem, un tam otram es neesmu ne uz pusi tik svarīga kā viņš/viņa man. nu, saki viens cilvēks, kā lai šeit nekļūst par īmo?

esmu nogurusi no šādas dzīves, gribu sajusties vajadzīga un novērtēta arī no citu puses.

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2009-05-23 17:59 (saite)

es jūtos tāpat, jo, kamēr es vienmēr esmu gatava ielikt sevi visu un to arī daru, otrs cilvēks īsti doesn't bother to do that. to jau var daudz skaidrot, kāpēc tā, bet mainly jau tas ir šis fucked up laikmets, no kā viss izriet.
and of course i'd like to quote:

I was a good kid
I wouldn't do you no harm
I was a nice kid
With a nice paper round
Forgive me any pain
I may have brung to you
With God's help I know
I'll always be near to you
But Jesus hurt me
When he deserted me, but

I have forgiven Jesus
For all the desire
He placed in me when there's nothing I can do
With this desire

I was a good kid
Through hail and snow I'd go
Just to moon you
I carried my heart in my hand
Do you understand?
Do you understand?

But Jesus hurt me
When he deserted me, but

I have forgiven Jesus
For all of the love
He placed in me
When there's no-one I can turn to with this love

Monday - humiliation
Tuesday - suffocation
Wednesday - condescension
Thursday - is pathetic
By Friday life has killed me
By Friday life has killed me

(Oh pretty one, Oh pretty one)

Why did you give me
So much desire?
When there is nowhere I can go
To offload this desire
And why did you give me
So much love
In a loveless world
When there's no one I can turn to
To unlock all this love
And why did you stick me in
Self-deprecating bones and skin
Jesus - do you hate me?
Why did you stick me in
Self-deprecating bones and skin
Do you hate me? do you hate me?
Do you hate me? do you hate me?
Do you hate me?

jā, vnk šī ir kārtējā Moriseja dziesma, kas precīzi attēlo mana sizjūtas. un nēee, es nedramatizēju

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