Aufklärung ([info]avralavral) rakstīja,
@ 2014-02-28 10:45:00

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"'The fist which had subdued the father was applied to the upbringing of the son,' said a Jewish lady who knew the family. 'She used to thrash him,' says Stalin's daughter, Svetlana. When Stalin visited Keke for the last time, in the 1930s, he asked her why she had beaten him so much. 'It didn't do you any harm,' she replied."
"Young Stalin" by Simon S. Montefiore (2007)

Principā varētu aizstāvēt teoriju, ka, ar maigiem pedagoģiskiem līdzekļiem sabiedrību aizvedot prom no pārliecības, ka bērnus vajag kārtīgi dauzīt, iespēja nākotnē piedzīvot asiņainus diktatorus jau uzreiz samazinās par kādiem 70%.

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