Ok, es tā saprotu ka Aumanna ssavietojamības teorēma ir viens spilgts piemērs cognitive science izpratnei par prātu kā datoru.
Tam ir kritika:
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/cognitive-science/#CriCogSciIelieku dažus teikumus tiem, kas būs par slinku izlasīt minēto šķirkli:
The emotion challenge: Cognitive science neglects the important role of emotions in human thinking.
The consciousness challenge: Cognitive science ignores the importance of consciousness in human thinking.
The world challenge: Cognitive science disregards the significant role of physical environments in human thinking, which is embedded in and extended into the world.
The body challenge: Cognitive science neglects the contribution of embodiment to human thought and action.
The dynamical systems challenge: The mind is a dynamical system, not a computational system.
The social challenge: Human thought is inherently social in ways that cognitive science ignores.
The mathematics challenge: Mathematical results show that human thinking cannot be computational in the standard sense, so the brain must operate differently, perhaps as a quantum computer.
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