Vecs, bet joprojām brīnumains projekts:
carnap, n. (1) A formally defined symbol, operator, special bit of notation. "His prose is peppered with carnaps" or "the argument will proceed more efficiently if we introduce a few carnaps." n. (2) Loss of consciousness while being taken for a ride.
deweyite, adj. Full of vague and impractical but well-intentioned ideas.
frege, n. (only in the idiom, to beg the frege) To acknowledge the inconsistency of one's position but maintain it anyway.
hume, pron. (1) Indefinite personal and relative pronoun, presupposing no referent. Useful esp. in writing solipsistic treatises, sc. "to hume it may concern." v. (2) To commit to the flames, bury, or otherwise destroy a philosophical position, as in "That theory was humed in the 1920s." Hence, exhume, v. to revive a position generally believed to humed.
ludwig, n. A small beetle that looks exactly like an earwig, but is invisible.
marcuse, v. To criticize vehemently from a Marxist perspective. "Je marcuse!" - J. P. Sartre.
noam, n. Unit of Resistance. "Hilary is a popper noam."
nozick, n. (from nostrum + physick) Political snake oil, a patent medicine, esp. a cathartic or purgative. "Waste not logick, not yet strong physick, on the Leviathan; serve it nozick, and stand back." - Hobbes
rawl, n. A fishing line, baited with a few apparently innocent intuitions about fairness, but capable of bringing in such big fish as Pareto optimality and God knows what else. "But some who use a rawl are only fitching." Hence rawl, v. "When he rawled that slender line in, I could hardly believe my eyes."
voltaire, n. A unit of enlightenment. Hence voltairage, as in the warning to would-be purveyors of superstition and tyranny: "Danger: high voltairage in this vicinity."