Šis ir interesanti, sevišķi atceroties tos konservatīvo smadzeņu skenus (cirkulēja tādi attēli) ar lielajiem "baiļu" un "pašpārliecinātības trūkuma" reģioniem. "Konservatīvie", šķiet, ir dogmatiski (aprobežoti) vienos jautājumos, bet "liberāļi" - citos.
http://digest.bps.org.uk/2015/11/on-some-issues-liberals-are-more.htmlLiberals reading this may well feel that Kerry, or the liberal students above, were correct to be absolute on the topics they were, because there is no room for debate on these issues. But that’s the point: conservatives feel the same about their domains. The question is whether we can therefore make claims about generalised narrow-mindedness [of conservatives].
(Sinopes Diogens ar lāpu skraida pa Atēnām, meklēdams īstos atēniešus.)