in the highest Paradise
Osamas personīgajā grāmatplauktā bija veseli divi Čomski.
(bet vispār, pēc grāmatplaukta spriežot, viņa intereses bija ļoti aprobežotas.) Un vēstules radiniekiem. Kas ir faktiski tikai par šiem radiniekiem un lūgumiem par tiem informēt. Īpaši aizkustina visu radinieku bērnu vecumu sīks uzskaitījums (kurš vīrietis Rietumu pasaulē kaut ko tādu rakstītu?).
I also kindly ask you to provide with news about Wafa, my brother Sa’d’s wife, and her children. I pray to God Almighty to have mercy on my brother Sa’d and my sister Khadijah and to accept them with the martyrs and to gather us in them in the highest Paradise. Please inform me about my brothers and their children, and also about my sisters, Fatimah and Iman, and my brother Ladin. ..and I want to write you about my younger siblings and the children of my sister Khadijah, they
are with us and in the care of my sister Maryam; the only mother Suham knows is Maryam. And you know well the ages of ‘Abdallah and Safiyah; Safiyah reminds me very much of my sister Khadijah. My sister Asia is seven years old now, and ‘Aisha is older by a few months, my brother Ibrahim is now six years and few months old, and Usama is a few months younger than he. Zaynab is four, and Suham is a few months younger, and Hussayn is two and a half. Šo tekstu var saprast, tikai ņemot vērā, ka viņa tēvam bija vairākas citas (gados jaunākas) sievas par Osamas māti. Tikai tā tu, pats būdams jau pusmūžā, vari priecāties par, piemēram, gadu vecu māsu un pāris mēnešus par viņu vecāku brāli.
Osamam pašam bija vismaz 20 bērni (citos avotos - 24), tā ka padomājiet, jau pa tiešo asinsradinieku līniju, kāds pūlis tas ir.
Un vēstule sievai (vienai no piecām, šķiet, piektajai vai vismīļākajai no sievām (I don't know how this works)). (man patika) (sevišķi par to, ka viņš arī Paradīzē gribētu, lai viņa izvēlas viņu par savu vīru, pat ja viņa pēc viņa nāves būs apprecējusi kādu citu - ievērojiet, tā ir viņas izvēle; kā arī lūgums izdot meitas pie vīra "labiem cilvēkiem"). Beat this.
Un arī - "tu zini, ka es izbēgu no cietuma manas māsas, tevis, Umhamzaka un Hamida dēļ [
nevis sevis vai džihāda, bloga aut. piez.]." Kurš Rietumu vīrietis izbēg no cietuma savas māsas dēļ?
(vispār, šo arhīvu lasot, tā sajūta bija, kā braucot ar busu cauri (komunistiskajai) Laosai - 300 km tur ir jābrauc kādas 12 stundas, jo ceļu praktiski nav - jau tikai paskatoties uz to nenormālo kalnaino biežņu, uzreiz ir skaidrs, ka amerikāņiem nevajadzēja šeit līst karot, ka tas karš bija zaudēts, pirms vispār sācies)
To my dear faithful wife
Praise God, and prayers and Peace be on the prophet of God, our prophet Muhammad, his family and his allies.
My dear wife,
Peace be upon you, and mercy of God, and his blessings.
How are you doing? I hope you are well and all who are with you. How is my son `Usama and my two daughters, `Asma` and Duha[?]? I pray that you are all in good condition. And how is my sister Iman, and Um Hamzah, and how are my brothers and sisters? I ask God that you all are in good condition, and that he expedite your release and of all prisoners of the mujahidin to the shores of safety.
My dear wife,
you know that I escaped from prison for my sister, you, Um Hamzah, and Hamid, but I found that the matter (="his situation after escaping") may take a long time. I know that you are in a psychological crisis, so I doubled my thinking to find a way out for you, so I ask God to speed up the resolution for you and to get us together on the shores of safety sooner and not later.
My beloved wife,
Know that you do fill my heart with love, beautiful memories, and your long-suffering of tense situations in order to appease me and be kind to me, and every time I thought of you my eyes would tear for being away from you. I want you to know that I will not marry on you because I will not find a woman like you, and I will remain in the land of jihad until God will bring us together in this world to see you and enjoy looking at you and at my children, and to compensate you for the kindness and love you missed in prison, due to the tension and being occupied with the thought.
Or if meeting in the world is not possible, then I will see you in the thereafter and that will suffice. So be patient and strengthen yourself with faith so that you meet God with him pleased of you, and we meet in paradise between its rivers and luxuries, as that is the eternal life that remains because you are a good wife in this world, and I ask God that you will be my wife in the thereafter.
My will:
If I get killed, and you want to return to your family, then that is okay, but you have to raise my children properly, and to watch them, and be careful of bad company for them, especially after puberty, especially the girls `Asma` and Duha[?]. So be very careful about them and if you can marry them to mujahidin, then that is best, or else to good people. As for `Usama, when he reaches adulthood, if there is someone else who cares for you, then send him to the battlefield at his grandfather's. I specify his grandfather because his path is clear and true without qualms on it, and because jihad is an obligated duty for all adults, so he has to conduct jihad.
As for you, you are the apple of my eye, and the most precious thing that I have in this world. If you want to marry after me, I have no objection, but I really want for you to be my wife in paradise, and the woman, if she marries two men, is given a choice on Judgment Day to be with one of them.
In closing,
Please forgive me for my shortcomings towards you, and that you pray for me, and remind my children to pray for me and to do charity for me, and to arrange for a continuous charity in my memory.
So, so long either in this world or in the thereafter, I ask God to protect you and my children from all evil, and to nourish you and the children with His unsleeping eye, and to give you the best of endings, and get us together in the upper heavens with the believers, prophets, and martyrs, and those are the best company.
I leave you with God in Sudan.
And peace be upon you,
Your husband
Sa’ad Ibn `Usama Bin Ladin
15 August 2008