Did you kill the white man who killed you?
Amerikā ir šāds ierosinājums (par kuru Obama esot teicis: "A pretty good idea!"): Endjū Džeksona vietā (kurš tur ir jau kopš 1929. gada) uz 20 dolāru naudas zīmes uzlikt "kādu sievieti".
No trīs visvairāk balsis saņēmušajām kandidātēm (Eleanora Rūzvelta, Roza Pārka (cilvēktiesību aktīviste)) es balsoju par čeroki indiāņu virsaiti (chief) Vilmu Menkilleri (Wilma Mankiller) (1945-2010). Kā zināms, ASV prezidents Endrjū Džeksons (1767-1845), kurš šobrīd attēlots uz 20 dolāru naudas zīmes, pēc daudzu vēsturnieku domām vainojams 100 000 Amerikas indiāņu piespiedu pārvietošanā (faktiski - genocīdā).
"The secret of our success is that we never, never give up".
Un par uzvārdu: "My name is Mankiller, and in the old Cherokee Nation, when we lived here in the Southeast, we lived in semi-autonomous villages, and there was someone who watched over the village, who had the title of "mankiller". And I'm not sure what you could equate that to, but it was sort of like a soldier or someone who was responsible for the security of the village, and so anyway this one fellow liked the title "mankiller" so well that he kept it as his name, and that's who we trace our ancestry back to."