asteor ([info]asteor) rakstīja,
@ 2014-01-06 17:44:00

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Es visu laiku biju domajis, ka franciski tikai sarunvalodaa tos taa saucamos eiro-centus sauc par santimiem (centime). Lidz bridim, kad sanjemu no savas bankas vienu dokumentu, kur bija rakstits par santimiem un nevis centiem.

Bet tak izradas, ka nee - viss ir riktigi un oficiali: In the European community cent is the official name for one hundredth of a euro. However, in French-speaking countries the word centime is the preferred term. Indeed, the Superior Council of the French language of Belgium recommended in 2001 the use of centime, since cent is also the French word for "hundred" (no Wiki)

Santims kaut kaa smukaak skan. Man liekas, ka latviski ari varetu nelietot tos centus, bet gan palikt pie santima (OK, parejas posmaa buutu vecie/jaunie santimi).

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