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@ 2012-12-03 08:39:00

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"Intelligence is largely at the mercy of self-control: even the smartest kids still need to do their homework. [It may well be that,] raw intelligence [viz., IQ] isn’t so much the primary cause of future success but rather one of a series of causes of future success, a series that begins with capacity for self-control and capacity for delay of gratification. Rather than focusing on intelligence and whether it is mostly hereditary or can be changed, it may be more beneficial to study self-control and whether that is mostly hereditary or can be changed."

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2012-12-03 13:30 (saite)
jā, varētu piekrist, es pat ietu vēl tālāk un apgalvotu, ka labāk varbūt ar predikātu loģiku, a la prolog

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