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@ 2009-09-02 13:04:00

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Cilvēkiem Latvijā jāzina, uz kurieni valsts virzās, kāds ir mērķis. Tādēļ būtu vajadzīgs līderis — vadonis. Kā vienu no lielākajiem trūkumiem var minēt to, ka Latvija patlaban ir parlamentāra valsts. Ir vairākas partijas, un nevienai nav izdevīgi, ka kādai citai partijai, kas ir pie varas, veiktos.

— Andrejs Ēķis, Latvijai vajadzīgs vadonis

Russia, in its thousand-year history, has had a tradition of dependency on the leader, on the state, the myth of the state, the worship of the state, the tradition of general utter dependency on the boss, on somebody. The intellectuals are now running around saying we must find our national ideal. Even the president has published some kind of an appeal: "We've got to find the national idea." It's ludicrous. You can't just look for an idea under a mattress or under a bed. Those ideas come out of life. It seems that the society, either they don't notice it or they reject it, that we already have such an idea—the idea of freedom. Freedom, if you will, is the new religion and the new ideology.

— Alexander Yakovlev, Interview: Conversations with History

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2009-09-02 19:03 (saite)
Man jau liekas, ka daži vienkārši ir dažas skrūves pazaudējuši. Starp citu, interesanti, ka visi tie, kas pauž ilgas pēc vadoņa visus šos gadus ir bijuši siles tuvumā. Grūtups ir tam piemērs par excellence.

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2009-09-02 20:10 (saite)
o, jā. sile sāp.

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