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@ 2020-07-08 11:03:00

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"For several decades, the wise U.S. policy of isolating the CCP economically and politically kept China a third-rate power—unable even to seriously threaten its near neighbors.

In the 1970s, President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told Americans that by engaging China, the CCP could be weaned away from communism and lured into the free world.

This disastrous mistake may yet be the undoing of us all.

Now, the CCP controls a world-class military and the world’s second-largest economy—all while staying firmly on the communist road.

The United States now stands with a dangerous enemy squaring off across the Pacific, a deeply penetrated political system and business community, a vastly reduced industrial capacity, a severely damaged economy, and now mass rioting in cities across the nation—all in some way related to the CCP.

Is all of this worth the ability to buy cheap toasters in Walmart?"

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2020-07-08 22:18 (saite)
Nebūtu draudzības ar Ķīnu, varbūt PSRS ilgāk noturētos, un arī būtu slikti.

(Atbildēt uz šo)

2020-07-11 22:50 (saite)
Tāda riebīga situācija, kad itkā dzīvot var, pat tīri tā neko dzīvot, pietiek gan maizei, gan desai. Smadzenes gan visu laiku kāds kompostrē, fonā, vai pa tiešo ar āmuru pa ādaskrāsu un žhīdu kompesācijām un vēl 100 citām jūtīgām vietām, bet nost jau nevienu nemuši, ē paga, muši gan, ne pie mums, bet līķi krājas komunistu kontā, atkal.

Būtu tā ka laiks uzdot jautājumu - kurš vainīgs? Lai varētu sākt kautko labot.

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