Nemieru laikā var mainīt varu. Nemierus grūti organizēt, ja nav iemesls, bet iemeslu var atrast.
Losandželosas "Sociālisma un Atbrīvošanas" partijas nodaļa sāka protestēt pret Manuēla Žaminesa nāvi 7. maijā. Flojds nomira 25. maijā.
Partija sevi raksturo kā "revolucionāru marksistisku organizāciju". Kas notika ar Žaminesu? Te īss incidenta izklāsts:
Officer Hernandez was responding to a call about a drunken, knife-wielding man who had threatened a pregnant woman.
"The officers approached the suspect and told him in Spanish and English to put down the knife. Instead, Jamines raised the knife above his head and lunged at Officer Frank Hernandez, a 13-year veteran of the department, Beck said.
Eyewitness accounts from six civilians, nine police personnel and two fire department staff indicate Hernandez fired twice "in immediate defense of life," Beck said. Jamines, 37, died at the scene.
"This was a very brief moment in time, just 40 seconds between first contact and the time of the shooting," Beck said. "He rushed the officers with a knife so he's controlling the timeframe. Sometimes officers can't create time or distance."
Te var redzēt protestus Žaminesa sakarā: Žaminesa dēļ lielu traci neizdevās sacelt, tāpēc tagad partija pārsviedusies uz protestiem Flojda sakarā.