None of the Above ([info]artis) rakstīja,
Ar vienu vakcīnu būtu par maz. Bez dalības starptautiskās organizācijās (vissvarīgāk, NATO), mūsu liktenis būtu pavisam cits. Soross, šo vakcīnas izstrādi un pielietošanu ir visādi atbalstījis. Skat., no tā paša raksta:

"He funneled money to the Solidarity strikers in Poland in 1981 and to Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia. In one especially ingenious move, he sent hundreds of Xerox copiers to Hungary to make it easier for underground publications to disseminate their newsletters. In the late 1980s, he provided dozens of Eastern European students with scholarships to study in the West, with the aim of fostering a generation of liberal democratic leaders. One of those students was Viktor Orban, who studied civil society at Oxford. From his Manhattan trading desk, Soros became a strange sort of expat anticommunist revolutionary."

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