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@ 2017-04-23 17:03:00

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"Copyright terms have been radically extended in this country largely to keep pace with Europe, where the standard has long been that copyrights last for the life of the author plus 50 years. But the European idea, “It’s based on natural law as opposed to positive law,” Lateef Mtima, a copyright scholar at Howard University Law School, said. “Their whole thought process is coming out of France and Hugo and those guys that like, you know, ‘My work is my enfant,’” he said, “and the state has absolutely no right to do anything with it—kind of a Lockean point of view.”

It was strange to me, the idea that somewhere at Google there is a database containing 25-million books and nobody is allowed to read them. It’s like that scene at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie where they put the Ark of the Covenant back on a shelf somewhere, lost in the chaos of a vast warehouse. It’s there. The books are there. People have been trying to build a library like this for ages—to do so, they’ve said, would be to erect one of the great humanitarian artifacts of all time—and here we’ve done the work to make it real and we were about to give it to the world and now, instead, it’s 50 or 60 petabytes on disk, and the only people who can see it are half a dozen engineers on the project who happen to have access because they’re the ones responsible for locking it up."

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2017-04-24 08:43 (saite)
Nu, nianse, kurai te pieskaras ar 'natural vs positive' - Eiropā nav copyrights, eiropā orģināli bija autortiesības - yup, vairāk par 'mans darbs ir mazs bērns', mazāk par citu tiesībām uz to pelnīt. Kamēr anglosakšu tiesības attīstījās no 'eeeeeu viens publicētājs samaksāja autoram par grāmatas uztaisīšanu, bet tagad arī citi varēs to grāmatu vienkārši pārrakstīt un izdot? tā neiet cauri!'. Anglosakšu copyrights nekad nebija paredzētas autoru aizsardzībai, bet tieši izdevēju.

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