"Most programmers think that getting run-time errors, and then using a
debugger to find and fix those errors, is the normal way to program.
They aren't aware that many of those errors can be detected by the
compiler. And those that are aware, don't necessarily like that,
because repairing bugs is challenging, and, well, sorta fun.
You are not giving a programmer good news when you tell him that
he'll get fewer bugs, and that he'll have to do less debugging.
Basically, we still live in the dark ages of programming, not unlike
the time engineers were learning about boiler technology by figuring
out why a boiler exploded, scalding people to death (remember the
Therac-25?). People will probably have to die in order for "software
engineering" to be a true engineering profession, instead of the
buzzword that it is today. Sad but true."
Why Ada isn't Popular (Mathew Heaney)