archangel ([info]archangel) rakstīja,
@ 2005-01-23 04:06:00

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Garastāvoklis: jealous

Every time thee utter a word... Every time thee cry... Every time thee wisheth... Beware!
There shalt always be someone who heareth thee... And I shalt for shure...
And I shalt unleash all Hell upon thee if I wilst...
For Michael is my name...

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2005-02-01 01:29 (saite)
As thau wilst...
Maybe word 'strange' seems better for you? Though strange is somewhat state of mind like, not just action or consequence.
Different... Yea. I guess it's a rather trendy thing, but it doesn't degrade it's value. Maybe it changes, but not for worse... I guess... :)
I believe it's not hard to be different in good sense. It's mostly enough to stop adapting/copying/simulating... :)
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