archangel ([info]archangel) rakstīja,
@ 2005-01-23 04:06:00

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Garastāvoklis: jealous

Every time thee utter a word... Every time thee cry... Every time thee wisheth... Beware!
There shalt always be someone who heareth thee... And I shalt for shure...
And I shalt unleash all Hell upon thee if I wilst...
For Michael is my name...

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2005-01-29 14:34 (saite)
still talking about prospects, i dont like being discovered, so my path will stay my path:) if you dont mind of course:)
anyway i still dont like the word "different" - its become too commercial, too fucked up, b`coz everyone now is obsessed with the idea of being different and demonstrate it - its one of the modern streams the same as the one called "modern deppresion" which was so popular some time ago. people are people, if the person is different then he/she IS different, if not - no point in talking about struggling to be different - being artificialy different doesnt do the tricks people expect.

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2005-02-01 01:29 (saite)
As thau wilst...
Maybe word 'strange' seems better for you? Though strange is somewhat state of mind like, not just action or consequence.
Different... Yea. I guess it's a rather trendy thing, but it doesn't degrade it's value. Maybe it changes, but not for worse... I guess... :)
I believe it's not hard to be different in good sense. It's mostly enough to stop adapting/copying/simulating... :)
What DO you like?

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